Road linking Dighode to Chirner deteriorates within a year


Corruption allegations levelled against Raigad Zilla Parishad

In a concerning development, the road linking Dighode to Chirner, notably known as the route from Mote Jui to Mote Bhom, has succumbed to rapid deterioration within a mere year. Allegations of corruption within the Zilla Parishad administration have surfaced, fuelling demands for an urgent inquiry into the matter.

The once-smooth passage along this vital road has now transformed into a treacherous journey plagued by potholes and uneven surfaces, greatly inconveniencing commuters. This stark contrast highlights the severity of the situation and underscores the urgency for accountability.

Residents and commuters, deeply affected by the deteriorating road conditions, have vehemently voiced their concerns. Their outcry for transparency and accountability has resonated across the community, as they demand answers regarding the mismanagement of public funds and resources.

Despite the Raigad Zilla Parishad's commendable efforts to spearhead development projects across numerous villages in the Uran taluka, allegations of corruption and negligence have tarnished the integrity of these initiatives. The recent deterioration of the Bhom road, despite significant financial investments earmarked for its maintenance, serves as a glaring example of this systemic issue.

As commuters grapple with the repercussions of this corruption, the need for a thorough investigation into the Zilla Parishad's affairs becomes increasingly evident. It is imperative that authorities address these allegations promptly and transparently to restore public trust and ensure the effective management of civic resources.

In light of these developments, residents and stakeholders remain vigilant, advocating for accountability and transparency within the Zilla Parishad administration. Only through concerted efforts to combat corruption and uphold integrity can the community safeguard its infrastructure and pave the way for a brighter future.


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