PMC urges citizens to guard against heatstroke


As the sweltering summer temperatures continue to rise, the Panvel Municipal Corporation (PMC) has issued an advisory to the citizens, urging them to take precautions against the looming threat of heatstroke. Commissioner Dr. Prashant Rasal emphasized the importance of vigilance and self-care in the face of escalating heat.

With the mercury climbing steadily, the risk of heatstroke becomes increasingly pronounced as the body struggles to regulate its temperature. Recognizing the severity of the situation, the state government's disaster management authorities have issued essential guidelines for managing heat-related emergencies.

In the event of heatstroke, immediate action is imperative. Affected individuals should be swiftly relocated to a cool environment, with efforts made to lower their body temperature by wetting their clothes and providing adequate ventilation. Seeking prompt medical attention at health centers established by the Municipal Corporation is advised for those experiencing severe heat-related symptoms.

To further mitigate the impact of heatstroke, the Municipal Corporation has established cold rooms in one health center within each Ward Committee, offering temporary respite from the scorching temperatures. Additionally, a civil primary ORS corner has been set up to provide relief to patients suffering from heat-related ailments.

Recognizing the critical signs of heatstroke is crucial for timely intervention. Symptoms such as severe headache, muscle stiffness, nausea, dizziness, and increased heart rate should not be ignored, particularly if the body temperature exceeds 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius).

For children, indicators such as refusal to eat, irritability, decreased urine output, and dryness of the skin around the mouth warrant immediate attention. Dr. Anand Gosavi, Chief Medical Officer of Panvel, underscores the importance of preventive measures, including staying well-hydrated, avoiding sun exposure during peak hours, and wearing appropriate clothing and protective gear.

Amidst the relentless heat, citizens are urged to prioritize their well-being by adhering to these precautions and remaining vigilant against the perils of heatstroke. By exercising caution and mindfulness, individuals can safeguard themselves and their loved ones from the adverse effects of summer's unforgiving heat.


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